Page 6 - GCSE Chinese Revision Exercises
P. 6
GCSE Listening Exercises Theme One 1.4 Sub-topic 1b Daily life – food and drink: Transcript – (phrase in brackets is for Mandarin) 上星期六是我的生日。我的朋友們來我家參加了我的生日會。媽媽做了很多好吃的 飯菜: 有中式的,也有西式的。中式的有烤鴨、叉燒、炒飯,還有青菜。西式的有意大利薄餅 (比薩)、烤牛肉和漢堡包; 我哥哥還做了一個美味的草莓蛋糕送給我。 爸爸買了很多飲 料, 有果汁和汽水; 我們還喝了中國茶和英國茶。我的朋友們都說飯菜很好吃。 Xiao Ying is telling her penfriend on the internet about her birthday party last week. Listen to what she says about the food they ate and answer the following questions in English. 1. When did Xiao Ying’s friends come to her house and why? ________________________________________________________ 2. What kind of food did her mum prepare for the occasion? ________________________________________________________ 3. Name two items of Chinese food in the passage. ________________________________________________________ 4. What did Xiao Ying’s older brother give her? ________________________________________________________ 5. What kind of drinks did they have at the party? ________________________________________________________ 6. What did Xiao Ying’s friends think of the food? ________________________________________________________
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